Inspired by the seminal Moynihan Report, The Moynihan Institute for Fatherhood Research and Policy envisions a world where the intricate dynamics of Black families are understood, appreciated, and supported. 


Mission and Focus

The Moynihan Institute for Fatherhood Research and Policy project synopsis focuses on analyzing and building upon the 1965 Moynihan Report, which emphasized the importance of family structure, particularly the role of Black fathers, in addressing poverty in the Black community.

Recognizing historical issues and contemporary challenges, the Institute prioritizes responsible fatherhood as crucial for empowering Black families and communities.

It critiques the report for not considering structural factors like segregation, mass incarceration, and health disparities.

The Moynihan Institute aims to research and influence policy for black fathers in order to enhance

Family Stability


Health & Wellness

Family Stability


In essence, the Negro community has been forced into a matriarchal structure which … imposes a crushing burden on the Negro male and, in consequence, on a great many Negro women as well. The impact of unemployment on the Negro family, and particularly on the Negro male, is the least understood of all the developments that have contributed to the present crisis. There is little analysis because there has been almost no inquiry.

About Our Work

The Moynihan Institute takes its name from the landmark study known as “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” more commonly referred to as the Moynihan Report.

This pivotal document stands at the forefront of academic research, offering a foundational examination of the intricacies of Black family life. Notably, the report casts a discerning light on the condition of Black fathers during the mid-1960s, providing a snapshot of a critical juncture in social history.


The Moynihan Instiute for Fatherhood Research and Policy

The undeniable prominence affords the Moynihan Institute the esteemed opportunity to build upon, refine, expand, and reinterpret the findings to more precisely reflect the statistical realities faced by Black men and their families, crafting a narrative that is as nuanced as it is enlightening.